Bruno Chareyron, CRIIRAD (Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la RADioactivité / Commission for Independent Research and Information about RADiation), France.
Topic: Uranium Mining in Africa and France
Date: Friday 27 April, 15:15-15:45
Conference paper (PDF, 39 KB)
Conference presentation (PDF, 3.6 MB)
Conference lecture audio recording (MP3, length 25:34, size 6 MB)
Contact information:
Le Cime – 471,
Avenue Victor Hugo,
26000 Valence – France.
Tel . + 33 (0)4 75 41 82 50
Fax : + 33 (0)4 75 81 26 48
E-mail : contact (@)
Website :
Biographical Notes
Bruno Chareyron, born in 1964, has been Director of the CRIIRAD laboratory in Valence, France since 1993. He has an Engineering Diploma in Energy and Nuclear Technology – ENSIEG (Electricity) & ENSPG (Physics) from Grenoble, France and a DEA in Nuclear Engineering and Particle Physics. His experience is especially in the area of radiation detection and environmental impact assessment. He has conducted studies dealing with the radiological impact of nuclear full chain facilities (uranium mines, nuclear plants, reprocessing plants, research reactors), military facilities, and hospitals.
In 1999 Bruno Chareyron was an expert in the “Groupe Radioecology Nord Cotentin” that assessed the impact of the nuclear facilities at Cap de la Hague (reprocessing plant, nuclear reactor, military facilities, nuclear waste repository). He has been conducting an independent review of the radioactive discharge monitoring and environmental monitoring of the Fessenheim and Le Blayais nuclear power plants in France.
He has worked with people from, amongst other places, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Niger, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, UK, and Japan; and with a wide range of backgrounds, e.g. experts, civil servants, scientists, operators, citizens, elected people, journalists, NGO leaders, and unions.