Problems with the Nuclear Industry with Focus on Sweden

The purpose of the website is to collect information on problems of the nuclear industry with focus on nuclear waste in Sweden. The alternative to nuclear power is energy efficiency and conservation together with renewable energy sources.      

KBS-3: "KBS stands for Nuclear Fuel Safety and the number 3 stands for the third version of the final repository concept that the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) has developed" (source: The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM) (translation from Swedish by

SFR: "On 19 December 2014, the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) submitted an application to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority for a permit under the Nuclear Activities Act to expand the final repository for short-lived radioactive waste (SFR)" (source: Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM) (translation from Swedish by

World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024
Don’t Nuke the Taxonomy website

Laka's online poster collection. Browse through thousands of posters from the worldwide movement against nuclear power.

Friends of the Earth Sweden and The Swedish Anti-Nuclear Movement’s Position on the Nuclear Waste Issue, 2011

27 January 2022: MKG, the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review:
- The Swedish Government disregards the opinion of the Environmental Court and approves the repository for spent nuclear fuel
- Press Release: "The Swedish government allows the nuclear industry to build an unsafe repository for spent nuclear fuel".

For an overview see: "Irradiated Nuclear Reactor Fuel Management in Sweden – 2019".
See also the website of the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review (Miljöorganisationernas kärnavfallsgranskning, MKG),

Climate Change and Nuclear Power: | | In the Archive
Lovins, Amory B. 2022-04-12. Nuclear energy should not be part of the global solution to climate change