Danish Parliament 2017-18, Parliamentary resolution B 90, Proposal for parliamentary resolution on a long-term solution for Denmark’s radioactive waste


Source (2018-05-29): https://ufm.dk/en/newsroom/issues/radio-active-waste/english-material

På Danska / Information in Danish: https://ufm.dk/aktuelt/temaer/deponering-af-radioaktivt-affald-i-dk

Parliamentary resolution B 90 of 15 May 2018 (PDF, 587 MB)*

"Resolution B 90 was adopted unanimously by Danish Parliament on 15 May 2018. The resolution outlines Denmark's national policy and programme for radioactive waste and spent fuel management."

Except (pp. 3-4), emphasis added:

"In the medium term, the Government proposes that studies of Denmark’s geology to depths of 500 metres be carried out with the aim of identifying potential locations for a deep geological final repository. After which, the final localisation should be determined from a precise analysis of a number of criteria including geological, physical and socio-economic,with weight given to safety as a significant component for the final localisation. In parallel, the Government will continue to explore possibilities for an international solution with regard to the disposal of special waste abroad, either through the export of waste via a bilateral agreement or through participation in an international disposal solution for long-lived radioactive waste. If an international solution for special waste cannot be realised before a decision is required on the project planning of a deep geological final repository in Denmark, the future planning must include disposal of special waste within Denmark.

In the long term, the Government proposes that a deep geological final repository be established on Danish soil to be operational by 2073 at the latest. The Government proposes that a deep geological repository at a depth of up to 500 m be planned, similar to solutions in Sweden, Finland and France, where facilities are being prepared. A Danish final repository of this type would be able to benefit from the experience of these countries and would meet the requests for safety and implementation from a great number of stakeholders in Denmark and abroad."

* Direct link on the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science website: https://ufm.dk/en/newsroom/issues/radio-active-waste/english-material/e…
