Uranium Dreaming (a film about uranium mining, Aboriginal culture and land rights in Australia, 13 min. 52 s.)


Sources: http://www.anawa.org.au/resources/ and http://current.com/1vaqe4c.

Uranium mining threatens Aboriginal culture and land rights at many sites across Australia. In this film, Traditional Owners speak out against the mining companies which bring sickness to the land. Uranium Dreaming tells the story of the industry almost nobody wants. Produced in 2006 by Scott Ludlam for the Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (ANAWA).

Published on DVD together with the film "Climate of Hope" (2007, 28 min. 21 s.), see www.nonuclear.se/climate_of_hope_film2007

Available online at: http://current.com/1vaqe4c and http://current.com/technology/87507601_uranium-dreaming.htm.
Download Hi-Res / Screening Version  (100.4 MB).
