Conference Documentation (In order according to the program.)
Speakers and Panel Members (or click on the person's name below)
Lagacy of the Nuclear Age - Photo Exhibition by Robert Del Tredici
To download files using a PC, right click the file link and choose your browser's "save target as" link. The audio files are in MP3 format and are best listened to after downloading. Audio file length is given in minutes:seconds. The keynote presentation by Gordon Edwards and Robert Del Tredici has been made into a Flash file with audio and slides. It is about 58 minutes in length. The presentations by the other speakers, the panel discussion, and question periods make up an additional total of about 7 hours aned 45 minutes of audio. All the PowerPoint presentations by the conference speakers are available here as PDFs. Links to conference papers are included in the left-hand column. |
The Radioactive Legacy of the Nuclear Age, Gordon Edwards, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, Canada; and Robert Del Tredici. The Atomic Photographer's Guild, Canada. Download Flash version (zipped package, 33.3 MB, see readme.txt for playing instructions) Selected publications Photo Exhibition by Robert Del Tredici |
View and listen online from a server |
Uranium Mining, Overview, Peter Diehl, WISE-uranium.
Conference paper (PDF, 92 KB) |
PDF (6 MB) | MP3 (length 38:27, size 9 MB) |
Uranium Mining in Africa and France, Bruno Chareyron, CRIIRAD (Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la RADioactivité / Commission for Independent Research and Information about RADiation), France.
Conference paper (PDF, 39 KB) | Selected publications |
PDF (3.6 MB) | MP3 (length 25:34, size 6 MB) |
Uranium Mining in Sweden, The Ranstad Case, Jan Lindholm, Falbygden's Society for Nature Conservation (Naturskyddsförening) and www.nejtilluranbrytning.nu, Sweden. | PDF (1.1 MB) | MP3 (length 13:00, size 3 MB) (first 19 seconds in Swedish) |
Nuclear Proliferation, Ulla Klötzer, Women for Peace, Finland. |
MP3 (length 29:38, size 7 MB) |
"Recycling" Nuclear Waste, Diane D´Arrigo, Nuclear Information & Resource Service, USA. | MP3 (length 12:04, size 2.8 MB) |
Decommissioning, David Lowry, U.K., 2001 Nuclear-Free Future Special Recognition Award Recipient. | MP3 (length 36:06, size 8.5 MB) |
The Decision Making Process for Dealing with Spent Fuel, Gordon Edwards, Canada. | PDF (48 KB) | MP3 (length 51:24, size 11.8 MB) |
Options for Management of Spent Nuclar Fuel: | ||
Very Deep Boreholes, Lisa Hedin, The Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review (MKG).
Conference paper (PDF, 73 KB) |
PDF (347 KB) | MP3 (length 14.16, size 3.4 MB) |
Dry Rock Deposit, Nils-Axel Mörner. | PDF (850 KB) | MP3 (length 20:18, size 4.8 MB) |
KBS-3, Olle Olsson, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB). | PDF (488 KB) | MP3 (length 18:30, size 4.3 MB) |
The Environmental Consequences of Final Storage Schemes, Chairperson, Ulla Klötzer, Women for Peace, Finland; panel members: Gordon Edwards, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, Canada; Björn Hedberg, The Swedish National Council for Nuclear Waste (Statens råd för kärnavfallsfrågor, Kasam); Olov Holmstrand, The Waste Network, Sweden (Avfallskedjan); Olle Olsson, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB); Diane D´Arrigo, Nuclear Information & Resource Service, USA. | MP3 (length 1:02:35, size 14.7 MB) |
Low-Level Waste, Releases to Air and Water, Gunnar Lindgren, Environmental Researcher, Sweden. | MP3 (length 27:24, size 6.4 MB) |
The Radioactive Contamination of the Baltic Sea, Per Hegelund, The Swedish Anti-nuclear Movement, Sweden. | PDF (245 KB) | MP3 (length 26:12, size 6.1 MB) |
Nuclear Waste in Russia, Oleg Bodrov, Green World, Russia. | PDF (1 MB) | MP3 (length 34:14, size 8 MB) |
IAEA Waste Dump Project, Antonia Wenisch, Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology, Austria. |
MP3 (length 12:06, size 2.8 MB) |
Euratom and Nuclear Waste Management, Antony Froggatt, UK. Conference paper (PDF, 156 KB) | Selected publications |
PDF (182 KB) | MP3 (length 18:28, size 4.3 MB) |
Networking, John Mouat, KIMO Project Co-ordinator, KIMO - Local Authorities International Environmental Organisation. | PDF (1.4 MB) | MP3 (length 27:04, size 6.4 MB) |